Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Bush stubbornly sticks to troop surge

I almost avoided the State of Union Address altogether, but I thought I would catch the chimp at the podium making all kinds of excuses for my things aren't working in Iraq.

As usual he makes a bunch of grandious proposals like healthcare tax credits and pie in the sky ideas about cutting our dependency on foreign oil by drilling for more oil here in America.

I thought for sure Pelosi would have knock Bush over the head with the gavel when she was done calling the gallery to order before Bush started his speech.

Bush was almost to the point of begging for the Democrats and the American people to give him one more shot at salvaging his failed policies in Iraq. It didn't look like he was getting much support from the Democrat side of the gallery.

I think the Democrat Response to the President's State of the Union that was delivered By Freshman Virginia Senator Jim Webb was fantastic. He laid out the differences between the Democrats and the Repugs and basically said the Democrats in the majority aren't going to give the president much room over the next two years.


At January 25, 2007 at 1:56 AM , Blogger Kiley said...

I had a pretty rough time sticking with the State of the Union speech myself (had to hold back a major gag reflex just looking at the man for that long), but yes, it did come across as pathetic begging for the most part. The best piece was, of course, Jim Webb's rebuttal...I'm definitely glad I got in on THAT bit of action.

You're going to be featured as my "Blog of the Week" tomorrow, so hope you don't mind the extra advertisement. :-)

At January 25, 2007 at 4:05 AM , Blogger George said...

Thank you, I appreciate all the advertising I can get.

At January 25, 2007 at 10:56 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now, if we can just get Congress to show Chimpy the door, perhaps America can regain a little of the respect Chimpy and lawyer-blaster have thrown away...

At January 25, 2007 at 5:10 PM , Blogger Kiley said...

You're most welcome. :-)


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