Monday, January 1, 2007

3000 Dead soldiers, for what

The new year brings more death in Iraq and the Bush Administration keeps saying we can win the War in Iraq. The death toll of American troops has reached 3000 and there is no end in sight. The daily sectarian violence that continues unabated doesn't point to anything that would give a reasonable person any reason to be optimistic.

Our troops deserve better than the rosy picture that the Bush Administration is trying to paint of the conditions on the ground in Iraq. We need a new direction in Iraq like the Democrats in Congress have been calling for, for months.

So how long do we have to wait and how many more US troops will die in this failed war before President Bush figures out a new direction that he keeps saying is coming.


At January 1, 2007 at 11:41 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, nice blog so far. Found it on TrafficPods. Will keep an eye out for it from now on. Live in GB and agree totally that a new direction regarding the Middle East is desperately needed. Louise

At January 1, 2007 at 5:41 PM , Blogger Mark Base said...

I'm amazed that there are so many Americans still in America.

Believe me, no offence intended.

At January 1, 2007 at 5:45 PM , Blogger George said...


Why would that amaze you? We live in one of the best countries on this planet and besides a few annoyances it is pretty good here.


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