Sunday, March 4, 2007

Two Democrat Presidential hopefuls crossed paths in Alabama

Democrat Senators Hilary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama were both in Selma, Alabama this morning celebrating the aniversary of a bloody Civil Rights Protest back in 1965.

Both candidates took advantage of the photo opportunities to help their bid for the 2008 Presidential Democrat Nomination. Hilary brought her not so secret weapon with her (husband Bill)and took advantage of his continued popularity among Democrats.

The March 7th, 1965 peaceful protest became known as Bloody Sunday, when billyclub wielding police attacked the peaceful protesters. The peaceful protest was organized to bring attention to the racist voting practices in the south against blacks.

Both candidates used the opportunity to claim that actions of the participants helped to pave the way for each of them have the opportunity to be running for President of the United States.

I am sure the voters in Alabama will take notice of their participation and it will help one of them come 2008.

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At March 5, 2007 at 4:07 AM , Blogger The Insider said...

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